The Irish poet, Sir Walter Scott (1771-1823), wrote a poem, below, that’s been described as “a stark poem about disappointment.” Its protagonist was a shadowy figure named “County Guy.” The title’s been making me think of Senator Guy Guzzone (D-13), how he shifted his legislative focus from the county-level to the state-level. But there’s nothing disappointing or shadowy about him. He gives me hope, with his skill, gift, and talent in enacting policy that moves our community forward. So, I wrote a poetic-metrical imitation of Scott’s lyric about Our Guy’s wondrousness. How else can I describe a…well, a guy, who, when I hugged him recently and emitted a spontaneous, “I’m never going to let go..,” he simply laughed and looked at me with paternal joy. Also, for another website I own, edit, and write,, Guy was the subject of the first article I wrote. It’s been going so well, I thought a post about him would be a good way to kick off this site, too.
County Guy by Sir Walter Scott
Ah! County Guy, the hour is nigh,
The sun has left the lea,
The orange-flower perfumes the bower,
The breeze is on the sea.
The lark, his lay who trilled all day,
Sits hushed his partner nigh;
Breeze, bird, and flower confess the hour,
But where is County Guy?
The village maid steals through the shade
Her shepherd’s suit to hear;
To beauty shy, by lattice high,
Sings high-born Cavalier;
The star of Love, all stars above,
Now reigns o’er earth and sky,
And high and low the influence know,
But where is County Guy?
County Guy by Akbi Khan
Ah! County Guy, the Howard’s in need,
The blue has left the water,
The people-power loses vigor presently,
It impacts all sons and daughters
The oriole, her chicks who nurtured;
Falls ill, her admirers in need
Polity, folks, citizens cry out for lead
But where is County Guy?
The Village Board meets through the night,
Its body’s duty to perform
But Guzzone’s shifted his mantle of lead
To serve in a different form
He’s at a state level stead
And we’re progressing with speed
Right and left the benefits reap
That’s where is County Guy
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