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On My Activist Tutor, My Sister, Dr. Zaneb Khan Beams, M.D.

Looking back on it 11 months later, it feels like a full-circle moment in my life that my sister, Dr. Zaneb Beams, M.D. suggested I volunteer with Byron MacFarlane’s campaign for Register of Wills here in Howard County. My first meeting with him over Korean food amidst the hustle and bustle of the Whole Foods in downtown Columbia set in motion one of the best years of my life.

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Organizing People, Money, Books, TV Clips, and Stuff

As a chatty, sensitive, and often anxious child, I was drawn to ways of imposing order on the chaos of life. I see now that chaos itself can be orderly, beautiful, and worthy of embrace. As a beautiful Zen Buddhist saying goes, “The bad news is: you’re falling through the air with no parachute.

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Limerick #5

An organizer named Tyler
Knew action caused change to occur
So he inspired others
He stirred sisters and brothers
And a Blue wave was coming for sure

I’m grateful for your readership! Check back with me each week here at politicalpoetrypastiche as my linguistic, literary, and generally loquacious involvement in local politics takes on a mélange of prose and poetry genres.

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Int/Ext: My Car, Route 40 – Day

Miss Carole Fisher, a HoCo political activist, mother-to-five, friend-to-many-especially-me, and I were headed to a gun violence prevention training in Baltimore from her home in Ellicott City, Maryland. She suggested we nix the curt, oddly-toned instructions my phone’s GPS was barking at us and offered to guide me down Route 40 all the way there.

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Limerick #2

A politician who was named Eric
Had a flair for all things numeric
District 12 was the hood
‘Ere he did so much good
And his hugs were without compare-ic

Limerick #1

There once was a Dem named Becca
So cute you’d ask, “What the heck-a?”
She worked as an E-S-Q
But was a volunteer-advocate, too
And canvassed from Medina to Mecca

Limerick #4

In South Asia, we say her name “SUFF-a”
But EFL-speakers love to say “SAAF-a”
After all, that’s good too
‘Cuz in Gujrati and Urdu
It’d translate to mean that she’s “CLEAN-a”

An innocent grin
A 16-person win
And that’s how she do
But she’s not about spin

She’ll ask you to please come and phone bank
And when you say, “yes,” she’ll make sure to thank
She’s got a big mouth, too
Knows how to make you cuckoo
Though her sass is merely a prank

Limerick #3

A lawyer whose name was Moreno
At making me laugh he was  bueno
He advocated
For immigrant kids
Without him, I’d start having FOMO

County Guy, 1823; County Guy, 2018.

The Irish poet, Sir Walter Scott (1771-1823), wrote a poem, below, that’s been described as “a stark poem about disappointment.” Its protagonist was a shadowy figure named “County Guy.” The title’s been making me think of Senator Guy Guzzone (D-13), how he shifted his legislative focus from the county-level to the state-level. But there’s nothing disappointing or shadowy about him. He gives me hope, with his skill, gift, and talent in enacting policy that moves our community forward. So, I wrote a poetic-metrical imitation of Scott’s lyric about Our Guy’s wondrousness. How else can I describe a…well, a guy, who, when I hugged him recently and emitted a spontaneous, “I’m never going to let go..,” he simply laughed and looked at me with paternal joy. Also, for another website I own, edit, and write, rocoinhoco.com, Guy was the subject of the first article I wrote. It’s been going so well, I thought a post about him would be a good way to kick off this site, too.