The Irish poet, Sir Walter Scott (1771-1823), wrote a poem, below, that’s been described as “a stark poem about disappointment.” Its protagonist was a shadowy figure named “County Guy.” The title’s been making me think of Senator Guy Guzzone (D-13), how he shifted his legislative focus from the county-level to the state-level. But there’s nothing disappointing or shadowy about him. He gives me hope, with his skill, gift, and talent in enacting policy that moves our community forward. So, I wrote a poetic-metrical imitation of Scott’s lyric about Our Guy’s wondrousness. How else can I describe a…well, a guy, who, when I hugged him recently and emitted a spontaneous, “I’m never going to let go..,” he simply laughed and looked at me with paternal joy. Also, for another website I own, edit, and write,, Guy was the subject of the first article I wrote. It’s been going so well, I thought a post about him would be a good way to kick off this site, too.